Pat Davidson has a PhD in Exercise Physiology and is a competitive strongman in the 175 pound class who has finished in the top 10 at the North American Strongman (NAS) National Championships and has competed for the Amateur World Championships at the Arnold Classic both of the last two years. Pat bases his training methodology on his interpretation of block program design, and he relies on information from the Postural Restoration Institute (PRI) to guide him in his understanding of biomechanics and the strategies he utilizes to keep athletes feeling healthy and happy.
Joel Jamieson is widely considered one of the world’s foremost authorities on strength and conditioning for combat sports, having trained many of the sport’s best athletes since 2004. He is the author of the bestselling book “Ultimate MMA Conditioning,” and is a contributing writer to several top magazines. He is also a frequent guest speaker at conferences and seminars all over the world.

Stuart McGill was a Professor of Spine Biomechanics at the University of Waterloo for over 32 years, authored of over 240 scientific journal papers, 5 books, and has mentored over 40 graduate students during this scientific journey. As a consultant, he has provided expertise on low back injury to various government agencies, many corporations and legal firms and hundreds of professional/international athletes and teams worldwide. He is regularly referred special patient cases from the international medical community for opinion.

Foundation for Fitness:
Core Concepts in Program Design
May 11th-May 13th at Hype Gym Murray Hill
Approved for 2.0 CEU's with the NSCA
Approved for 7.0 CEU's with the CSCCa
Friday My 11th, 2:00pm-6:00pm
Dr. Pat Davidson: Designing a Biomechanics Proficiency Program for General Population Clients in the Fitness Setting, Moving Towards an Objective Approach
-Biomechanics is the kinematic and kinetic presentations of the integrated human sensorimotor systems. For robust health, performance, and body composition attainment humans benefit from performing exercise at sufficient intensity and volume involving various planes of movement, different levels of force and velocity, and with a full spectrum of durations. Optimizing joint positions and fluidity of movement can help people attain necessary levels of movement to drive fitness adaptations without deleterious consequences. This presentation will describe a model that will explain sensorimotor competencies in a checklist fashion to guide trainers and coaches into objectively determining whether athletes and clients are properly executing fitness movements in the Cardinal planes and positions associated with major gym exercises in the most objective manner currently devised.
Saturday May 12th, 9:00am-6:00pm
Joel Jamieson: Programming Conditioning to Drive Recovery and Improve Health & Fitness
-A proper conditioning program can drive recovery in addition to improving measures of health and fitness. This one day course will discuss and demonstrate the important aspects of a well-balanced conditioning program from assessments to implementation. The role of stress and its connection to movement, heath and wellness will be discussed and how to use this stress to improve results from training.
Sunday May 13th, 9:00am-6:00pm
Dr. Stuart McGill: Training the Back Pained Client: From Pain to Performance
-This one day course is for trainers and performance specialists who deal with clients with back pain. Both lectures and workshops provide delegates with background information on the mechanisms that cause back pain and how these can be assessed and addressed with movement and exercise programming that adhere to the principles of Professor McGill. This process creates clients who are then liberated to begin training. Then specific principles are workshopped to create pain-free and injury resilient movement/motor patterns, that enables the trainer to move on to more typical programming.